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Belfast Child CIC was born in March 2013 and founded by our Managing Director who saw the need for a motivating 'off the street' programme for young people in Belfast. We aim to provide all young people:


  • Free access to health and well-being training and education

  • Free sports training facilities

  • Mentoring


The sport programmes we offer are:

  • Boot camps

  • Boxercise

  • General fitness

  • Martial arts


Our sport programmes not only offer health and fitness benefits but also focus on:

  • Building self-esteem

  • Developing team working skills and

  • Raising aspirations


One of our staff was talking to a well-known presenter and broadcaster Pamela Ballantine about the organisation and what we do. This was huge for us! Before we knew it, U105.8 FM got in touch and asked if we would do a live interview. We of course jumped to the opportunity to get the word out about what we do. So we did the interview which was a success and received favourable reviews. You can listen to it here.

C.H.I.L.D. Training Academy

Our Charity, Creating Help In Local Districts T/a C.H.I.L.D Training Academy is the first of our sports training academies based in Belfast City Centre which has become a centrally shared hub where youth groups and community organisations can work together with young people to improve and develop their health, fitness, social and mental well-being.

We knew from the outset that such a place was needed for young people, however since its official opening in November 2015 we could not have imagined the number of young people that to date have used the facilities and the positive impact that it has had on their lives. See testimonials........


“The Charity’s objects (“Objects”) are:


(1)                The promotion of participation in healthy recreation in Belfast (the “area of benefit”) in particular by the provision of facilities for, and coaching, training and mentoring in, the playing of sports and other recreational activities.


(2)                To act as a resource for young people by organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of advancing in life and helping young people by developing their skills and capacities and their mental, physical and moral capabilities through leisure time activities.

CHILD Training Academy, CTA Belfast
Social Enterprise, Belfast

In 2015 and 2016 we were finalists of the Northern Social Enterprise Awards. It was great for the team to get recognition in the training and employment category. This doesn't make us complacent as it is not about the accolades, it's about making a difference.

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44-46 Corporation Street,

1st Floor

Belfast, BT1 3DE


Dedicated staff members can be contacted on the number below




Phone: Mon- Fri.

08.30 AM - 08:30 PM


Social Enterprise, Belfast

Belfast Child CIC - Social Enterprise - NI617126

Creating Help In Local Districts t/a C.H.I.L.D. Training Academy - Charity No: NIC106988

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